Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Ted McCormack

Ted McCormack

The H. L. Hunley Submarine

h l hunley submarine

Numerous books have been written on the subject of the origin of wars and why we humans continue to fight them. War is our greatest irony: our worse exhibition of mindless hatred and at the same time, the best example…

A Brief History of Printing

history of printing

Few Things have had a more profound effect on human development than language, especially the ability to write on clay, stone, papyrus, or paper what we are thinking and what we want to say to other humans. Many species of…

Potatoes From Chips to Chuno

potatoes from chips to chuno

The world would certainly be a dull place without potato chips, French fries, baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, tater tots, potato skins, colcannon, potato salad, potato pancakes, a freeze-dried potato called chuno, and dozens of other delicious foods, as well as…

Wheat Around the World


Chances are that unless you live in the far north around the Artic Circle, you have eaten a wheat product in the last 24 hours. If you enjoyed your bread, pasta, pizza, cookies, cake, pretzels, couscous, crackers, wheat flakes cereal,…

The Sumerian Great Flood Myth

sumerian great flood myth

We have always tried to understand ourselves and cope with all the things that happen to us from birth, to happiness, to disease, to death. Thousands of years ago, as soon as we reached a level of consciousness that caused…

The Seven Grandfather Teachings

the seven grandfather teachings

Years ago, the Potawatomi tribe of Native Americans, located in what is now northeast Wisconsin around the Great Lakes area, began teaching their children seven philosophical teachings that would help them to have good relations with their fellow tribesmen and…

Evolution on Trial

evolution on trial

Nearly every culture on Earth has an origin story. We humans have always had a driving desire to know where we came from and how we got here. Many years before science started giving us the answers we sought, our…

Grow Up Or Blow Up

Grow up or blow up

Some of us are maturally challenged that is, stuck in overly emotional adolescence in which our decision-making abilities are limited and short-sighted. We often act before we thoroughly assess the long-term implications of our actions. And the more political power…