Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Ted McCormack

Ted McCormack

Evolution on Trial

evolution on trial

Nearly every culture on Earth has an origin story. We humans have always had a driving desire to know where we came from and how we got here. Many years before science started giving us the answers we sought, our…

Grow Up Or Blow Up

Grow up or blow up

Some of us are maturally challenged that is, stuck in overly emotional adolescence in which our decision-making abilities are limited and short-sighted. We often act before we thoroughly assess the long-term implications of our actions. And the more political power…

What’s the Temperature?

What’s the Temperature?

What do the numbers 0, 32, 273.15, and 491.67 have in common? They all tell the freezing point of water from liquid to solid, giving us four ways to say the same thing depending on where you are and what…

We Are of the Spectrum

We Are of the Spectrum

Several cultures throughout human history have had some form of sun worship. One of the most famous was the worship of Ra (pronounced ray) by the ancient Egyptians. Depicted as a man with the head of a falcon with a…

Luck and Life

luck and life

Living, learning, relating to others. It all comes down to you and me and how we manage our conduct in light of our philosophies, our political and social biases, our love and compassion for each other, our dislike for each…