Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category Science

Enrico Fermi

If you are a genius, change the course of human history, and win a Nobel Prize in physics, you could get some bubbles named after you. Enrico Fermi was born in Rome in 1901. His mind developed quickly, and at…

America’s First Science Center

Almost every American knows the story of the 1587 lost colony on Roanoke Island. What happened to the estimated 120 men, women, and children is a mystery that has never been completely solved even after 400 years of intense research…

Edaphology and Our Soil

Most conscientious gardeners and others who grow plants must be good edaphologist in that they are people who need to be concerned about the relationship of soil to the plants that grow in it. Vegetable and flower gardeners, as well…

Theia and Selene

13.8 billion years ago the universe experienced its Big Bang. Around 4.4 billion years ago, only a few million years after it had coalesced from the dust and cosmic debris that made our solar system, our Earth experienced its own…