Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Ted McCormack

Ted McCormack

Theia and Selene

13.8 billion years ago the universe experienced its Big Bang. Around 4.4 billion years ago, only a few million years after it had coalesced from the dust and cosmic debris that made our solar system, our Earth experienced its own…

Born An Acorn

acorns on parchment

One hundred years agoA gray squirrelInstinctively preparing for a cold mountain winterBuried me as an acornUnder a layer of brown leaves on a gentle slopeWith every intention of coming back for meWhen she awakened out of a winter napHungry.I would…

It’s All Electric

Electric Storm

Whether lush and green, Dry and dusty under the sun, The blue of the sea, The gray and glass of our cities With their yellow and white striped streets, Or the geomagnetic field induced Telluric currents in our Earth And…